Artist: Dan Gold

About Joie

I’ve spent the better part of my career working to complicate concepts and experiences which oppressive systems benefit from oversimplifying. And my aim is to meet you, as an individual, group, or organization, in all of the complexities and humanity that you hold. So I find it exceedingly difficult to write about who I am, or who I can be to you or your organization in such short form.

Still, I only have everything to gain by starting. My name is Joie (pronounced Jo-ey). I was named for my mother’s father, Joseph. My pronouns are they/them/theirs, I am a femme non-binary Jewish queer. I am white, sometimes able-bodied with a side of chronic pain, educated through institutions of higher learning, and learn-ed through community care and generational wisdoms.

I came to reproductive justice (as defined by Sister Song) when I began working at an abortion access fund in Philadelphia, and it became the lens through which I was able to understand the world. Our fight for reproductive and sexual justice shape the past and present systems under which we exist, and the future we dare to imagine. This is heavy work, but it is joyful. I would be honored to meet you wherever you are in your journeys towards justice and sexual health and wellbeing.

Hopes Dreams and

Magical Beans

This is one of my favorite phrases, and it is a touchstone of my work. What are our hopes, what are our dreams, how do each inform one another, and what magic beans do we need to sow in order to grow these hopes and dreams? And I do mean magic beans because there is magic in believing in our hopes and dreams, in believing they deserve to live in us so they can eventually grow through us.

It is too easy in this work to focus only on what must be fixed, mended, changed, composted, and discarded. To become drenched in crisis intervention, to fuel our work solely with despair or rage. To forget that we all, every moment of everyday, deserve to dream boldly, hope brazenly, and tend to what will nourish us in the long term. So tell me, what are your hopes, dreams, and magical beans? How do you intend to name them, nurture them, and help them grow?

Curriculum Vitae

Artist: Anni Roenkae


This is not an exhaustive list of all the scholars, thinkers, dreamers, creatives, and activists who have generously shared their teachings with the world. These are only some of the names that I know, and there are countless others whose names have been erased. Whose work and wisdoms have been lost to the epistemicide of Western colonial imperialism. There is no justice without remembering where our knowledge comes from, and no reimagining without grieving what wisdoms have been stolen.

***I am always learning, so I am always grounding myself in new wisdoms from new teachers. This list will be updated accordingly.

Brice Mousset

Tracie Stanfield

Carrie Tron

Nancy Wiener

My Fairy Queer Mothers

My parents

My siblings

My community

My Ancestors

…So so many more